Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the NPO VY'MPEL factory.

Export of Products

Export of NPO VY'MPEL products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products: hygrometers, gas treatment systems, information and control systems of telemechanics, flow meters, reference base, technological and other equipment for gas and oil industry facilities.
The sale of household meters is carried out ONLY in BULK
  • Dew Point Analyzers
    Dew Point Analyzers
    Hygrovision-BL and others.
  • Dew Point Converters
    Dew Point Converters
    KONG-Prima-2M, etc.
  • Humidity Analyzers
    Humidity Analyzers
    FAS-SW, HygroTrace, etc.
  • Gas treatment systems
    Gas treatment systems
    Model-003, Model-001, IFC-01, etc.
  • Ultrasonic flow meters
    Ultrasonic flow meters
    Hyperflow-3Pm 160M, etc.
  • Communicators and controllers
    Communicators and controllers
    HyperFlow-MK RG, PLC 3000, etc.
  • Inhibitor supply systems
    Inhibitor supply systems
    SPI-02, SPI-04, etc.
  • Pressure sensors
    Pressure sensors
    DI-006, DI-010, etc.
  • Electric drives
    Electric drives
    EGP-01 and others.
  • Telemechanics systems
    Telemechanics systems
    SOW, SLTM, etc.


For sales and support please contact