Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Hygrometers, flowmeters, telemechanics systems for the gas industry, etc.

More than 12 years NEW TECHNOLOGIES GROUP has been supplying hygrometers, gas treatment systems, information and control systems of telemechanics, flow meters, reference base, technological and other equipment for gas and oil industry facilities.
the sale of household meters is carried out only in bulk. Our extensive expertise and using components from leading manufacturers is the main reason why the customers choose us.
Product catalog


The company is one of the leading developers and manufacturers of equipment for the oil and gas industry.
  • assortment

    The company manufactures a wide range of equipment for gas, oil and other industries.

    The company is a leading domestic developer and manufacturer. The company's products are supplied to more than 30 countries.
  • quality

    The company has implemented a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of GOST ISO 9001 2011.


The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products: hygrometers, gas treatment systems, information and control systems of telemechanics, flow meters, reference base, technological and other equipment for gas and oil industry facilities.
The sale of household meters is carried out ONLY in BULK
  • Dew Point Analyzers
    Dew Point Analyzers
    Hygrovision-BL and others.
  • Dew Point Converters
    Dew Point Converters
    KONG-Prima-2M, etc.
  • Humidity Analyzers
    Humidity Analyzers
    FAS-SW, HygroTrace, etc.
  • Gas treatment systems
    Gas treatment systems
    Model-003, Model-001, IFC-01, etc.
  • Ultrasonic flow meters
    Ultrasonic flow meters
    Hyperflow-3Pm 160M, etc.
  • Communicators and controllers
    Communicators and controllers
    HyperFlow-MK RG, PLC 3000, etc.
  • Inhibitor supply systems
    Inhibitor supply systems
    SPI-02, SPI-04, etc.
  • Pressure sensors
    Pressure sensors
    DI-006, DI-010, etc.
  • Electric drives
    Electric drives
    EGP-01 and others.
  • Telemechanics systems
    Telemechanics systems
    SOW, SLTM, etc.

Find your product

Choose the most comfortable way to place your order or get information about the characteristics, prices and delivery terms.
  1. Quotation

    To see our prices get the quotation or an official offer for products.

  2. Consultation

    Consult our specialists to get the most compatible and affordable products.

  3. Analogs selection

    Send us the marking of the competitor’s products and we will offer the best deal in terms of technical features and price.

  4. Order and delivery

    Inquire for invoice and Sales Agreement for companies and individual persons to buy products.

Information Board

Learn more about our products.
  • Price list for products of the plant
    Price list for products
  • Questionnaire for ordering the FAS-SW dew point converter
    Questionnaire for ordering the FAS-SW dew point converter
  • Questionnaire for ordering Hygrovision-BL dew point analyzer
    Questionnaire for ordering Hygrovision-BL dew point analyzer
  • Order questionnaire for Hygrovision-mini, Hygrovision-mini-SL dew point meters
    Order questionnaire for Hygrovision-mini, Hygrovision-mini-SL dew point meters
  • Questionnaire for ordering a HyperFlow-UIVK communicator
    Questionnaire for ordering a HyperFlow-UIVK communicator
  • Questionnaire for ordering dew point analyzers KONG-Prima-10
    Questionnaire for ordering dew point analyzers KONG-Prima-10
  • Questionnaire for ordering dew point converters KONG-Prima-2M
    Questionnaire for ordering dew point converters KONG-Prima-2M
  • Questionnaire for ordering the IFC-01 filter system
    Questionnaire for ordering the IFC-01 filter system
  • Questionnaire for ordering a sensor with a HyperFlow-3Pm flow calculator
    Questionnaire for ordering a sensor with a HyperFlow-3Pm flow calculator
  • HyperFlow Gas Flow Meter Order Questionnaire
    HyperFlow Gas Flow Meter Order Questionnaire
  • HyperFlow-US Gas Flow Meter Order Questionnaire
    HyperFlow-US Gas Flow Meter Order Questionnaire


For sales and support please contact